Kroger Community Reward Program


Indy Premier and Kroger are committed to helping communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards AND Indy Premier Scholarship Fund covers over $35,000 in player fees while assisting over 50 players in Travel and Rec Plus annually. Indy Premier has recently registered as a Kroger Community Rewards organization and want to pass on the benefits of fund-raising back to our Scholarship Fund simply by families shopping at Kroger for every day items and using your Kroger Plus Card for groceries, gas, etc.  Steps to obtain and help raise funds are below -- register your card so Indy Premier Scholarship program benefits from your spending at Kroger.

Steps To Register/Fundraise

  1. Obtain a Kroger Plus card at your local Kroger store, then log in at to register your Kroger Plus Card with address, phone number, etc.
  2. If you don't have your Kroger Plus Card linked to Indy Premier, you can do so here (  This same link will allow you to designate “Indy Premier Soccer Club” (CQ896) as the recipient of your reward donation. Indy Premier will get a quarterly check that goes towards the scholarship fund. Anyone can donate to the organization in this manner by associating their cards with Indy Premier SC OR you can have friends and family use your phone number when grocery shopping to increase your total earnings each quarter! 

Thanks to anyone who chooses to donate- our goal is always to help as many kids continue to play soccer and enjoy the benefits of being affiliated in a team sport. From their website:  Kroger pays up to $375,000 on a quarterly basis to all participating organizations combined based on their percentage of spending as it relates to total spending of all Kroger Community Reward organizations. 

Kroger Commnuity Reward Program Coordinator

  • Bryan Michel

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